
Welcome to Evangelical Friends Church Africa

EFC Africa’s vision is to serve all the nations and regions of Africa and to send missionaries to other continents to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and plant churches.  We convene for worship, business, and vision casting each year and strive to communicate regularly. 


Our Constituency

The scope of our ministry and outreach includes:

  • Rwanda
  • Burundi
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania


Our Objectives

  • Work as a team to implement the mission and vision of EFCI
  • Help one another to fulfill the Great Commission [locally and globally]
  • Pray and serve one another in the spirit of the Great Commandment
  • Provide leadership training and coaching
  • Develop an international sending agency [Evangelical Friends Mission – Africa]


Louis Pasteur Nizigiyimana

Regional Director

[email protected]